Sell Your Gym, Fitness Center or Health Club
A health club broker is a professional gym business intermediary brokerage organization specializing in gyms for sale. They perform gym business evaluations, Mergers and Acquisitions serving clients on a nationwide basis in both the small closely held gyms and fitness centers up through the large private and corporate holdings. Email us today with details on your gym.
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When is it Time to Sell your Gym?
Owner’s of Health Clubs all reach a point in the history of their enterprise when it is time to “hang it up.”Many factors will tell you when it is time:
Gym Owner’s “burn out” Owner’s or key employee’s health problems Business relocation or rerouting of expressways Lease expires and you do not want to renew for another term Changing technology Get estate in order Not interested in investing long-term capital Children do not want to enter family gym business Under-capital…