Evergreen Fitness Center
Situated just outside the city limits of beautiful Victorian Port Townsend, WA. Tsavorite, Inc acquired this newly establish fitness center in 2004 and renamed it Evergreen Fitness. A full service facility with Steam rooms, Saunas, Juice Bar, Branded Fitness App (Evergreen Fitness at Home) Tanning beds, Pro shop and establish membership base. Taking a hit like ALL businesses during Covid-19 closure, Evergreen Fitness has shown it’s reliability and tenacity to not only survive, but thrive in a small community and increase it’s excellent reputation for providing a high standard and well maintained fitness center. Single, woman owned for the last 18 years, Michelle continues to manage the facility with reliable staff. Michelle also is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition coach (with other certifications as well) and loves the facility. She would be more than willing to negotiate staying on as staff (or not!) as well as train and educate the new owners for a set, reasonable time to assure a smooth transition if needed/wanted. Land and building, commercial 10,000 SQ Foot 2 story with 3 additional spaces for office/massage…room to grow. Furniture, fixtures & equipment included in price.
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