Sell. Sell. Sell.
When you are operating a fitness center, being able to sell a gym membership is critical.
Sure, many prospects get themselves to the gym for their initial visit. But… once they tour the gym, hear the prices, and learn about the commitment – it all becomes real. Understanding common sales objections and knowing how to overcome them, will help you become a better salesperson and sell more memberships. Whether you are running the type of facility that is extremely sales oriented or a club that is more laid back, you can use this information to shape your sale approach.
First Things First
Anytime you are meeting with a new prospect for the first time, it is important to get some basic information from them. Begin by having them sign in to the club with their name and phone number… consider setting out a “guest registry” or “visitor sign-in” clipboard on a table near the entry. Let them know you log any non-members that enter the club for safety purposes. Next, begin your interaction by finding out a little bit about them (this will help later, you’ll see). Find out…
- What brought you in today (what was your “I’m ready” moment)?
- Do you live nearby? Is this gym closest to your home?
- Have you worked out at a fitness center before?
- If so… why did you leave?
- What are your fitness goals?
- Do you have any special occasions coming up?
“Wow! That’s a lot of money for a gym membership.”
This is an objection we hear often in the fitness industry. Overcome this objection by showing the value of your club – discuss the cleanliness, amenities offered to your members, quality equipment, the culture of your club, and the friendly staff. Find a way to compare other monthly costs to show them that this is really nothing (and benefits their health). Did you know the average person spends at least $100 on cable each month?
You can also discuss convenience with them to overcome the price objection. Because you gained some basic info about your prospect, you will already know if your location is the closest to their home. If your gym is closer and more convenient, they will do a better job of showing up each day for their workout. Remind them of this. It will also show them that you were truly listening to them.
Sure, they could save $10 each month at a different gym but inconvenience might turn into a complete standstill.
“Do I have to sign-up for 12 months?”
If your gym only offers commitments of a certain length, such as 12 months, you may find that this is an objection you are commonly hearing.
If you are faced with this objection, begin by asking your prospect if they have intentions of implementing exercise into their life as a permanent change? And let them know that after their initial 12-month agreement, they automatically become a month-to-month member with the option to cancel at any time. Highlight the positives and avoid bring attention to the negatives (like being “locked in”).
If you have tried everything but they still aren’t ready to commit to that agreement, sign them up for two weeks. Wait, what? …well, sign them up as you normally would with your clubs agreement but let them know they have two full weeks to change their mind and cancel. Write it in bold at the top of the agreement so you both know when the trial period ends. If they decide it’s not for them, they can come back to you and you guys will shred the agreement together!
For more tips on how to make your club more profitable, check out our blog. If you have additional questions or need specific help with your existing business, feel free to contact us!