Being in the fitness industry is generally very rewarding. No matter what your role is in a gym, you are allowing for a service to exist that helps people better themselves and live healthier lifestyles. But it isn’t all as glamorous as some might think. Just like any business, there is the nitty gritty, day in and day out details that can bog you down. If you own or manage a gym and can relate to this, finding a gym management company could be the answer to your problems.
At Fitness Management & Consulting, specialist Jim Thomas and his team offer a full range of services for those in the fitness industry. If you are ready to pass on the baton, see if another method is more effective, or add a gym to your space (like a corporate space) that you don’t have to run, FMC can help.
We train any professionals to be in your space and offer turnkey management. Some of our growing clientele are corporations, apartment complexes, and hospitals that want gyms in their space for their employees or tenants. Sure, it is great to be able to offer a gym at an apartment complex or corporate office. But the actual creation of the gym, promotion, and hiring of any fitness professionals that will be available may be out of your expertise. Whatever the case is, we offer our resources and connections at FMC so you have nothing to worry about. For more information, contact us at Fitness Management & Consulting today.