Beyond the Traditional Corporate Membership

Beyond the Traditional Corporate Membership

While traditional corporate memberships can be lucrative, not all businesses are in a position to offer full subsidies. To maximize your reach, consider these alternative models: Group Rate Memberships: Offer discounted rates for groups of employees from the same...

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Stop Asking for Referrals, Start Inviting Friends

Stop Asking for Referrals, Start Inviting Friends

It's a common misconception that the key to boosting gym membership lies solely in asking members for referrals. While referrals are undoubtedly valuable, a more effective approach is to focus on creating an environment where members naturally invite their friends to...

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Struggling Gym Owner? It’s Time to Break Free!

Struggling Gym Owner? It’s Time to Break Free!

Hey there, independent gym owner, boutique studio entrepreneur – feeling the weight of the world (or at least a stack of unpaid bills) on your shoulders? You're not alone. The fitness industry is fiercely competitive, and sometimes it feels like you're constantly...

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